Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Internship

So, you’ve landed that internship in NYC that you always dreamt of and your start date is on the horizon. Now is a good time to start thinking about how you can get the most out of your internship, whether you’re embarking on a three month internship or a year’s program. During your time at your new company, you’ll want to learn as much as you can and make a good impression for the future. Here are our top tips on how to do just that.

Ask questions

Come to your internship with a spirit of inquiry. Even if you think you know a lot about the industry already from college or previous internships, there’s always going to be things you don’t know and as an intern, you’re there to learn. This means asking questions not just about your day to day tasks but about the company and the industry in general. 

You can learn a lot from your supervisor and other colleagues who have been working at the company for longer than you, and you’ll be surprised how much insider knowledge or business acumen gets left out of textbooks. Don’t just ask questions about the area you’re working in, try talking to people in other departments about their work and you might just uncover an interest that you want to pursue in your next internship. The more you ask (when the time and the place is appropriate, of course), the more you’ll learn and the more you’ll get a better idea of what your future career will be like.

Be flexible

Don’t go into your internship expecting it to be exactly like the job description, letter by letter. Companies evolve and roles overlap and this is a good thing. If you’re asked to help out with another team’s work or in an area which isn’t your strong suit, be flexible and try your best. This is one of the best ways to learn in an internship, as it pushes you outside of your comfort zone. Of course you should always be cautious to ensure your employer isn’t exploiting your role as intern, but having a varied set of responsibilities is nothing but good for your future resume, and you may even find a new area in which you excel.

Put yourself forward

Be the person who always puts themself forward for new tasks and challenges. This shows your employer that you are proactive and it is also good for your own professional development, as you’ll stretch your professional skills to new lengths. This means if your company is looking for volunteers at the soup kitchen, volunteer, or if they need an extra person in the writer’s room, put up your hand. Showing that you’re enthusiastic and willing to help the company in whatever way you can is one of the best ways to make the most of your NYC internship.

Keep the future in mind

By keeping the future in mind, you’ll make a good impression in the present. Remember that everyone you meet at your company could be a future work colleague, so ensure that you’re always professional, kind and honest in your interactions. Remember that certain unprofessional traits, such as always being late to meetings, will make a bad impression for the future and that people remember the bad along with the good. Look into future career opportunities at your company, including how people in your field normally progress and where past interns in your role are now. It’s important to always look forward, because an internship in NYC is a great investment in your future as well as your present.